Huddled in the narrow galley with the tattooed pastry chef, Justin Rightwood, I learned that he was a sponsored semipro skateboarder and BMX biker when he was 12.
和身上有纹身的甜点厨师贾斯汀·莱特伍德(Justin Right wood)一起挤在狭小的船上厨房里,我得知他12岁时曾是一位受赞助的半职业滑板运动员和BMX自行车手。
Sure, big cameras with zoom lenses will always be useful for professional or semipro photographers, or for times (like at sporting events) when you are far from the action.
诚然,对于专业和半专业的摄影师来说,拥有变焦镜头的大相机总是有用的。 而且,在诸如运动会等场合,如果你距离拍摄对象很远,这些相机也是很有帮助的。
Sure, big cameras with zoom lenses will always be useful for professional or semipro photographers, or for times (like at sporting events) when you are far from the action.
诚然,对于专业和半专业的摄影师来说,拥有变焦镜头的大相机总是有用的。 而且,在诸如运动会等场合,如果你距离拍摄对象很远,这些相机也是很有帮助的。