Rather than simply recording energy consumption, smart meters send a continuous flow of consumption and billing data back to utility firms.
The next article in this series looks at mailboxes and how they can be used to send data back and forth.
Can you see the redirect that the agent is performing to send back the data in your view to the client?
The request will be received by the back end, which in turn will send back a JSON response file containing the requested data to the device.
This class is what USES the MessageSender to send data back to the client.
It has the ability to send this data back to your server for further analysis.
This will award $20m to the first privately financed team to land a robotic vehicle on the moon, travel 500 metres on the lunar surface, and send pictures and data from the enterprise back to Earth.
In Ajax apps, while there are very few reasons to use XML as the sending data format, there are a lot of reasons why you might want a server to send XML back from a server, to a client.
You can couple this feature with the Zend_Soap_Server's registerFaultException() method to test the request data provided by the client, and send back a SOAP fault under various error scenarios.
您可以将这个特性与 Zend_Soap_Server的registerFaultException() 函数结合,用于测试客户端所提供的请求数据,然后为不同的错误情况返回一个SOAP错误信息。
When you finish processing the data in the Worker script, you invoke the postMessage function to send data back to the main thread.
As you can see, you retrieve certain elements-here, a that will house the message back from the server-as well as the form that contains the data you want to send to the server.
The application server then prepares data to send back to the appropriate unit to be displayed.
To send the data back, you have to capture the user input and call the complete method.
Modern F1 cars are fitted with hundreds of sensors that amass data on key parameters, such as throttle, braking and acceleration, and then send them back to the pits.
The Cassini spacecraft arrived at Saturn in 2004 and, as it continues to function well, is now expected to continue to send back data and images from the distant ringed world until 2017.
It works by detecting when a botnet virus is communicating with its master servers, as it must do to get its commands or to send back data — say, your passwords and credit card Numbers.
The problem is, each time the user needs to move to a different page, you must send a request back to the server, which would cause the page to reload with the new set of data.
Before shutting down each night, the rovers send pictures and other data of their positions to an orbiter called Mars Odyssey, which relays them back to mission control.
Even worse, this thread will be sitting idle until there is data to send back.
An import is used to send data from an SOA application to an external system, in this case, back to the FTP server.
Developers can also use the new partial update feature to edit this data and send it back to the server without having to touch any of the unneeded data.
Ruby: I think, independent of the core battles that we're seeing, people are getting a greater appreciation of XML as a way of representing data to send back and forth.
When the server gets the request, it will invoke the ArcGIS Server to process the input data and generate the result as an XML document and send it back to the requester.
It also has a submit button to send the data back to the portlet.
These components use RPC to interact with server environments to provide data to Flex applications and send data to back-end data sources.
The cookies store information about the visitor. After creating the cookies on the visitor's machine, the tracking code waits to send the visitor data back to the Google Analytics server.
In the MessageSender's run method, it USES the ServletResponse to send data back to the client.
The phone probably assured you that it would collect your data "anonymously," and that it would send the information back to the carrier or phone manufacturer to "improve your service."
With Ajax-based applications, the process of saving information from data at the browser is even more complicated because it's necessary to serialize and send the data back to the server.
With Ajax-based applications, the process of saving information from data at the browser is even more complicated because it's necessary to serialize and send the data back to the server.