If you have any problem, please don't hesitate to send out mail to me.
The link invokes the default mail client to send out mails to the required participants.
We'll send out the manuals this afternoon by express mail entirely at our cost, and the manuals should arrive tomorrow or the day after at the latest.
I send out Valentine's CARDS with the girls' photo, instead of trying to mail CARDS in December.
Either call this extension number 0085 or ask them to send the fax to you as E-mail, you print it out.
Students may print it out and mail it, or send it electronically to the colleges where they are applying, to notify them of the delay in scoring.
The example described in this article will send out a confirmation e-mail indicating the success or failure of the capture process.
And in fact, the trial, which I think somebody could If people out there know about this, please send me an E-mail.
Send out cards to your clients either by snail-mail or email.
Need to send out one last e-mail before you “officially” turn in?
Users fill out the form and click Submit, which instructs the mail server to send an E-mail message to a designated E-mail account.
5To find out more about exploratory testing and TMap, send an e-mail to tmapadmin@sogeti.nl and request the paper by T. Koomen, Exploratory testing and TMap.
5要找更多的有关探索测试和TMap的内容,请发送邮件到tmapadmin@sogeti.nl,索要T.Koomen,Exploratorytestingand TMap论文。
This script USES the get_all method to retrieve all the E-mail messages, then USES PHP's mail method to send out the messages one by one.
这个脚本使用get _ all方法检索所有电子邮件消息,然后使用PHP的mail方法逐一发送消息。
Be responsible for its guests objects, newspaper, and E-mail messages, single and send mail front notice items out to room, floor or the relevant departments.
This kind of bomb is actually send out from unknown address, great amount, huge capacity, full of chaos codes and nonsense mails. Most of the time send away same mail repeatedly.
Give thanks to those who have poured out their love over the year. Send a postcard or mail a gift to those in need afar; it only takes a spark to keep the fire of love burning.
Please fill in the correct write your mail, we will send to you to fill out new products email.
I will send out, by mail, as much samples as possible by January 20. However, there won't be a lot, please understand.
To declare Power of Attorney, please fill out this form, sign it and send Mail your request to.
E-Mail Commander lets you send out uniquely customized emails to everyone in your database. Insert variables in your contact database to further customize each message on the fly!
With IRIS cut package and found out the mx8.263. net send mail, I do not know what this is, give up.
If you forget your password, please fill out your ID and the E-mail when you sign up the website then send to admin (in oder to query faster).
If you forget your password, please fill out your ID and the E-mail when you sign up the website then send to admin (in oder to query faster).