ACEA advocates a harmonisation of car circulation taxes with CO2 emissions as the key criterion, to send simple and clear signals to consumers.
Even worse, even a minor crash with another flying car could send both vehicles plummeting to the ground while you scream in terror.
Can you send the car to the Hotel?
Mason agrees to send back a car for him.
The unten daikoukyoukai service will send a team of two to pick up a customer (often at the request of a bar owner), take his keys and drive him home in one car with his own following.
For example, car dealers routinely send prospective buyers out on test drives, and pet shop owners encourage people to play with the puppies in the window.
When you file an insurance claim, you'll probably have a few photos to send along with it - of a car, a house, etc.
They say an "uncle" in Kabul phoned Marouf asking him to send some physically weak children for a couple of days of manual Labour, unloading a delivery of car batteries from lorries.
Others predicted that Chrysler's decision to enter bankruptcy would lead to an immediate collapse in consumer confidence that would send car sales over a cliff. They were wrong, as well.
Other ways to send love messages is by leaving little heart-shaped love notes in various spots around the house, in his lunchbox, in her handbag, in the car seat or by sending sizzling text messages.
It's usually when I'm cussing in traffic at someone who is trying to drive their car and drink coffee and send emails and make notes.
通常堵车的时候,我就会咒骂 骂那些想法设法开车,喝咖啡,发邮件和记笔记的人。
The car is out of order.Please send a man to take it over.
Could you please send a car to the airport to pick me up?
They will send a car to the factory in the morning.
Finding the car in Seinaejoki, north of Helsinki, police saw that the mosquito had recently sucked blood and decided to send the insect for analysis.
If you have OnStar in your car, you may soon be able to send and receive hands-free Tweets through OnStar's voice-activated calling system.
The communications system to send and receive, control robot car running in the field.
Send one of the boys to bring the car down.
We also need to send a default PWM signal to pause a car.
My car has broken down. Could you send a tow truck to Fifth Avenue?
Please send a car to... Hotel tomorrow morning.
Send with the car owners and people should be aware of the other information to at least one of relatives and friends, to prepare for contact problems after use.
We can send a car over to fetch you.
Betty: Hello, I'm having trouble starting my car. I was wondering if you could send someone over to take a look at it.
Arrange to send the injured to the nearest clinic or hospital for treatment per hotel car.
To send your car door, HISS device and electric ignition, need 10 days time.
To send your car door, HISS device and electric ignition, need 10 days time.