I also self-studied human resource and senior secretary, and got Higher Certificate in Vocational grade.
I started the job as a junior secretary, but within the year I was promoted to senior secretary of Southeast Company.
Our legal department requires a mature, competent secretary who will report to one senior lawyer and one assistant lawyer.
And Secretary Clinton says she hopes calls by senior Iranian officials for a fair review of her spying conviction will lead to her early release and return home.
Meanwhile, I know a senior financier, an ex-chair of a FTSE company, who still has his secretary print out his e-mails for him to read so he can then dictate replies for her to e-mail back.
I enjoyed the company of a downtown secretary who was 13 years my senior. I got used to waking up in darkness after a few hours' sleep.
Pentagon Press Secretary Geoff Morrell says negotiators have reached a draft accord, which senior officials in both countries are now evaluating.
At every other lab I've visited, to get to a senior researcher's office, you've got to go through a door, a secretary, and another door.
A natural extension of this thinking leads to the door of Terry Moran who, as secretary of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, is the nation's most senior public servant.
Meanwhile, Ken Clarke’s liberal noises as justice secretary—he has questioned the utility of short prison sentences—have provoked anger among fellow Tories, including very senior ones.
The Senior Leader Development Office is a knowledge-focused organization that empowers the Secretary of the Army to make informed decisions with accurate data.
Meanwhile, Ken Clarke's liberal noises as justice secretary-he has questioned the utility of short prison sentences-have provoked anger among fellow Tories, including very senior ones.
A senior Palestinian official has acknowledged US Secretary of State John Kerry has made some slight progress in restarting peace negotiations between the Palestinians and Israel.
A senior Palestinian official has acknowledged US Secretary of State John Kerry has made some slight progress in restarting peace negotiations between the Palestinians and Israel.