Various dimensions of time management disposition, only the sense of time value achieves a significant level.
Time management disposition in various dimensions, the boys 'sense of time value and time-efficacy were significantly better than girls.
By using principle factor analysis, four dimensions were identified. They are the sense of time efficacy, the sense of time value, initiative in time using and time management strategy.
In refusing to run to catch trains, I have felt the true value of elegance and aesthetics in behavior, a sense of being in control of my time, my schedule, and my life.
Through the research of Western modernism writers sense of time, the author reveals their sense of value deep in contradiction.
Mans sense of time not only is of objectivity, but also of subjective creation, value directiveness and historical development.
At present time, I think the deepest change of human being is that people are losing the sense of intrinsic value rather rapidly.
This paper makes analysis of the positive sense of the introduction of online academic forums to library from the aspects of economic cost, time cost and educational value etc.
We create the ideal living in a social sense of mission and responsibility to contribute to society at the same time, realize their own value.
Through the research of Western modernism writers'sense of time, the author reveals their sense of value deep in contradiction.
Through the research of Western modernism writers'sense of time, the author reveals their sense of value deep in contradiction.