Often, the reason is damage to specialised sensory cells known as hair cells.
Objective: To further investigate the mechanisms of hair cell generation or regeneration, the primary culture systems of cochlear sensory epithelial cell (CSEC) of rats were established.
Objective to observe the principles of cell proliferation and apoptosis in the developing mouse cochlear sensory epithelium, and investigate correlation with differentiation of hair cells.
Rather than a ghostly jellyfish, this image highlights the sensory nerve endings at the end of a hair follicle.
In many cases of non-congenital hearing loss, the cause is degeneration of specialized sensory cells in the inner ear, called hair cells.
The crista awpullaris of the semicircular canal consisted of a layer of sensory hair cells and 2-3 layers of supporting cells.
The difference between the motion of the fish and the otoliths stimulate cilia on the sensory hair cells that are located in the inner ear.
The old vibrissae falls off when or a few days after the new vibrissae which was produced by the same follicle has grown to the same length as the old sensory hair.
Objects Planar cell polarity signaling regulates cochlear extension and coordinated orientation of sensory hair cells in the inner ear.
Objects Planar cell polarity signaling regulates cochlear extension and coordinated orientation of sensory hair cells in the inner ear.