The ability to extract sequence diagram elements into a separate interaction use.
A white box sequence diagram depicting collaborations among the elements relevant to each viewpoint is developed using the same ordered set of messages.
The sequence diagram shows the order in which the messages flow between instances of elements for a specific interaction.
序列图展示了对于具体交互的. NET元素实例之间的消息流的顺序。
The following section will cover more advanced notation elements that can be used in a sequence diagram.
Figure 6 is a UML sequence diagram showing how the structural elements within the Observer pattern collaborate.
图6是一个UM l序列图,显示这个Observer模式中的结构元素是如何协作的。
The OV-4 is represented by a freeform diagram in which organizational elements may be candidates for the instantiation of operational nodes in the OV-6c sequence diagrams.
OV - 4由自由形式的图表示,在该图中,组织要素可能作为OV - 6 c序列图中运作节点的实例的候选。
Figure 2: UML sequence diagram showing behavioral elements.
When drawing a sequence diagram, lifeline notation elements are placed across the top of the diagram.
When drawing a sequence diagram, lifeline notation elements are placed across the top of the diagram.