The plant to manufacture breads involves the following sequence of operation;
Sequence of operation: Provide electrified door hardware function, sequence of operation, and interface with other building control systems indicated.
J2EE provides transactions, by which a sequence of operations (persistent message receives, database updates, and so on) can be grouped into a single atomic operation.
A UOW is a recoverable sequence of operations within an application process; it ends as a result of a commit operation, a rollback operation, or the end of the application process.
What is important is that the algorithm guarantees that after a sequence of operations the expensive operations will be amortised and thereby rendering the entire operation O(1).
Read and interpret engineering drawings, blueprints, charts and tables or study sample parts to determine machining operation to be performed, and plan best sequence of operations.
As you can see, you can create various types of messages between lifelines in a sequence diagram, and select an existing operation as a signature of the message.
A block of code that must be executed in sequence and without interruption to guarantee correct operation of the software.
When you double-click on a message operation signature on a sequence diagram, a list of available operations will display.
Each child element-type in that sequence will be generated (while using code generation tool on WSDL) as a parameter of the operation in the service interface.
The MEP defines the sequence of messages in the operation and their direction.
In the previous section, you learned that only the delete operation can be applied to a sequence of nodes, such as repeating elements.
A typical sequence of steps involved in the operation of the Controller function is.
Using these operation capabilities during the design phase, the data flow (that is, the sequence of those data processing and transformation operations) is defined.
A reduce combines all the elements of a sequence using a binary operation. For example, it can use "+" to add up all the elements in the sequence.
The "delete" operation is the only operation that can act on a sequence of nodes — it deletes all of them. This is illustrated in Update 17.
对于节点序列,能够执行的操作只有 “delete” 操作 —它会删除所有节点,见更新17。
If the client invokes a web service with the IN-ONLY operation, then the sequence of invocations in both RM Source and RM Destination will be subsets of the sequences, as shown in Figure 7 above.
如果客户机使用in - ONLY操作调用Web服务,则RMSource和RMDestination中的调用序列都将为图7中所示的序列的子集。
It contains an element named after the operation wrapping a sequence of elements containing data and named after each of the operation's parameters.
A common operation of gene database is to search for sequence similar to query sequence.
A block of code that must be executed in sequence and without interruption to guarantee correct operation of the software. See also race condition.
It achieves space chaos of an image with a pseudo-random sequence generated by linear congruential method, and achieves gray chaos by XOR operation.
An operator, such as the + sign, is a character (or sometimes a short sequence of characters) that indicates a computational operation. In an expression, a term must be one of the following.
It is the symbol sequence controlling the operation of encryption transformation.
Objective to discuss the operation sequence of adjustment in the amount of iodine to salt.
The mould manufacture scheduling based on due date is a problem of how to schedule operation processing sequence to minimize tardiness.
For the problem of sorting signed genomes, a sorting operation can change both the gene sequence and the signs of genes.
Any sequence of delete operations can be reduced to one delete operation.
Objective: to discuss the feasibility and operation sequence for congenital atresia of esophagus by stomach pipe.
Operation of target object after sequence movements is usually completed by hand or foot.
Ultrasound-guided biopsy had been accepted widely in the clinical practice. This paper focused on the preparation of article, sterilization of instrument and operation sequence.