An interesting side effect of the copy-on-write design is that all writes to the file system become sequential writes (because remapping is always occurring).
This problem also highlights one of the fundamental design principles when it comes to working with parallel data structures: Do not assume sequential execution of any code, ever.
Add a Sequential File stage to the top left portion of the job design area for the new parallel job.
The design process, also sometimes termed as "problem solving process", includes a series of steps which usually (though not necessarily) follow a sequential order.
In design of pulsed asynchronous sequential circuits, it will solve for equations of clock and equations of state, on a symbolic Karnaugh map.
Chapter two discusses the concurrent Engineering, including the concept of ce, the sequential and concurrent product design process and the concept and measurement of concurrent degree.
Sequential logic synthesis is an important part of RTL synthesis system design.
To effectively reduce the injection-machine mould-board weight, sequential optimization design method starting from high level topology optimization to low level parameter optimization was proposed.
This paper has discussed the logic behaviour of flip-flops using the four valued logic and its applications in the analysis and design of pulsed asynchronous sequential logical networks.
In this paper, the validity of sequential uniform design for monotone function by rate jump was point out.
Therefore, it not only greatly reduces the design procedure of sequential circuits, but can also meet the need of contemporary design on its systematization, clarity and reliability.
According to different sensitive transitions of flip-flops used in sequential circuits, design and analysis methods for asynchronous sequential circuits are proposed by using the combinatorial clock.
The methods of the analysis and design can also be used for synchronous sequential logical networks and for CAA and CAD as well.
This paper introduces three sequential control design methods of PLC ladder diagram with an example, which based on the example of the kind of S7-200 PLC from SIEMENS.
本文以西门子s7- 200型号PLC为例,用一个具体的实例介绍了PLC梯形图的三种顺序控制设计方法。
PLC programming technique includes experience design method, logic design method, cycle diagram design method and sequential control design method.
Some design examples show that the design of synchronous sequential circuits based on next state equations of flip-flops is of great advantage and practical significance.
Design Description: the neo-Art Deco style is adopted in this project which is reflected by the linear and sequential paving in the leisure space of the sales office area.
In order to improve CPU utilization, use of multi-threading technology, and design a same sequential access method to prevent the deadlock.
In this paper, DT flip - flop excitation table is developed, the design method of sequential logic circuits using DT flip - flop is presented, and the design example using the method is given.
Through comparison with traditional sequential design and control, both advantages and shortcomings are discussed, which shows promising future of simultaneous design and control optimization.
The Institute perfect set of relatively complete system of sequential experimental design optimization of enterprise implementation process provides a reliable theoretical basis and method system.
Because run time may is as long as, make many hours, static sequential analysis has become a lot of IC to design the bottleneck of the group.
In the literature review on the basis of this experimental design methods to improve the process-oriented as the core optimized sequential experimental design system.
The use of sequential rely feedback tests for system try to obtain a more accuracy process model, to design PID controller method based on the internal model control principle is presented.
The SCAN operation is a basic block for building other parallel algorithms. This paper first describes SCAN operations and the design of their sequential and parallel algorithms.
VersaTiles can flexibly map the logic and sequential gates of a design.
A design method of ahead masking associative memory model with expecting fault-tolerant field is proposed by use of the general feed-forward network and sequential learning algorithm given by authors.
Sequential control design method is an advanced (regular) design method for design of PLC ladder diagram, and it is a powerful tool.
Sequential control design method is an advanced (regular) design method for design of PLC ladder diagram, and it is a powerful tool.