A sequential control system performs a set of operations in a prescribed manner.
To insure safety in the refining process, sequential control system and interlock protection system are designed and realized.
To maintain core stability, neuromuscular control of the local and global stabilization systems and the movement system is required, ensuring sequential coordinated.
The adoption of programmable controller in the electric control system realized the automatic control from the reception of coal from coal bunker to the sequential charging of the charging car.
The control system can realize welding sequential control and 2 beats or 4 beats sequential control mode.
The use of sequential rely feedback tests for system try to obtain a more accuracy process model, to design PID controller method based on the internal model control principle is presented.
The key to track the moving object exactly is how to recognize the target of the sequential digital image quickly and accurately in the robot control system by visual servo.
The sequential block diagrams are provided and analysis is made, which shows that function of the control system may be performed by a microprocessor.
The sequential block diagrams are provided and analysis is made, which shows that function of the control system may be performed by a microprocessor.