The serial communication controller-85C30 is introduced firstly. The design of 85c30 interface circuit can be found in this part.
Also, it provides the application of serial communication controller (SCC) which realizes the interface circuit linking AM79101 and 51mcu, and its programs.
同时给出了应用双通道串行通信控制器(SCC)实现AM 79101与51单片机接口电路和应用程序设计。
Chapter 4 Display system tells us the working theory of LCD screen controller SED1335. Chapter5-Communication introduces serial communication and USB communication.
第4章显示系统部分介绍了液晶屏控制器SED 1335的工作原理。第5章通信系统部分介绍了串行通信方式和USB通信方式。
SERCOS (SErial Real-time Communication System) is the serial real-time communication fieldbus between digital controller and servo-driver.
Aimed at this problem, a method of serial communication loading on HAD which is controlled by PCC (programmable computer controller) was proposed, and a novel experimental system was designed.
Using the RS232 (9 pins) as serial interface can carry out the communication between computer and controller. This system adopts the binary form to transmit the data.
The system makes use of MCS-51 single chip to design communication controller and oiling controller. Host computer inspects and controls oiling process through serial communication protocol.
该系统应用了MCS - 51系列的单片机,研制出通讯控制器和加油控制机,主机通过串行通信协议来对加油进行控制和监测。
The composition of MKS pressure control system, the communication commands and parameters of 651c controller and the method on building serial communication protocol macro are all introduced.
At last the fundamental procedures of serial communication protocols between a PC and a DB1000 controller and the realization of serial communication function are discussed.
The paper introduced a kind of system based on the function of serial communication between the micro controller and PC. It can control a kind of big screen that made of LED.
The experience of designing the serial communication program between PC and 89c51 micro-controller for the speed control of large DC motor is introduced by some examples.
The system adopts C8051F020 single chip microcomputer to realize the communication with the robot principal controller by means of serial port.
Then mainly expatiates RTL8019AS Ethernet controller driver and serial interface driver of embedded communication platform; Finally, discusses the application program development and driver testing.
The CSC controller board is a standard capacitive touch screen controller, which supports Serial and USB communication as well as all DMC capacitive touch screens with or without back shield.
The CSC controller board is a standard capacitive touch screen controller, which supports Serial and USB communication as well as all DMC capacitive touch screens with or without back shield.