NET 2.0 changes this serialization format.
NET 2.0改变了这种序列化格式。
Serializing using custom serialization format
Cannot recognize the serialization format.
It's an interesting serialization format, sort of like a compressed XML.
Cannot deserialize the message passed as an argument. Cannot recognize the serialization format.
Apache's Thrift is another way to let Ruby communicate with other languages via RPC and a serialization format.
This introduction is intended to suggest some situations where YAML provides a better object serialization format than XML.
If you're concerned with space, however, it is not the most efficient serialization format (only marginally better than XML).
You usually can't rely on the default serialization format to retain file-format compatibility between different versions of a class.
When compiled using a protocol buffer compiler, the encoders and parsers that are generated use a proprietary efficient serialization format.
Protocol buffers is a language-agnostic data-serialization format developed by Google, designed to be faster than XML for sending data over a network.
If you do make an incompatible change to the serialization format of a class, you should also change the serialVersionUID field to indicate that you've done so.
In the sections that follow, I show you a few simple unit tests that ensure that you do not inadvertently change the serialization format of your serializable classes.
Given all input sources in this scenario are XML and XHTML (newly supported serialization format of XSLT 2.0) can be easily used for web presentation, using XML based programming models is natural.
由于这一场景里所有的输入源都是XML和XHTML (XSLT 2.0里新支持的序列化格式)可以方便地被用于web展示,使用基于XML的编程模型再自然不过。
The serialization format used in ASP.NET 1.x for view state is a tuple format consisting of a hierarchical collection of triplets and pairs serialized using less-than and greater-than characters.
NET 1. x中使用的ViewState序列化格式是元组格式,由三个一组的层次集合和使用大于号和小于号的序列对组成。
Similarly, document retrieval from an XML column requires serialization, that is, converting the parsed XML format back into its original textual representation.
Performance is better as the data is kept in a single format instead of copying to different data models which in the worse case requires extra serialization and parsing.
This happens within the DB2 storage layer, that is the document stays in DB2's internal hierarchical XML format the entire time, without any parsing or serialization.
这在DB2存储层中执行,文档一直保持 DB2内部的层次化XML格式,不需要任何解析或序列化。
This is because reading from the XML column requires serialization, or the conversion of parsed XML back to text format.
Serialization of the data in the data in the appropriate format is then handled by the hardware circuit.
Serialization of the data in the data in the appropriate format is then handled by the hardware circuit.