The image just contains the full operating system and software applications of the source virtual server.
You can then deploy it to create a new virtual server that is complete with a fully functional operating system and software applications or overwrite an existing virtual server.
Software maintenance includes upgrades to both the operating system and the application server software on a given machine.
Each server requires a software stack composed of layers of software (operating system, middleware, and applications).
The hypervisor is a thin layer of virtualization software that abstracts the operating system and applications from the server platform.
Install any new prerequisite software and operating system patches required by WebSphere Application Server V4.
安装WebSphereApplicationServerv 4所需的任何新的必备软件和操作系统补丁程序。
Install any new prerequisite software and operating system patches required by WebSphere Application Server V4.
安装WebSphereApplicationServerv 4所需的任何新的必备软件和操作系统补丁程序。