Beside being a cache server, TS offers session and configuration management, load balancing, authentication and routing.
To use Cache-Control headers, choose Content Management | Cache Control Directives in the administration server.
Next, you must enable the ESI components in the WebSphere Application Server plugin-cfg.xml file, and you must amend the Web Content Management cache policy to use the Edge component.
接下来,必须在WebSphereApplicationServerplugin - cfg . xml文件中启用ESI组件,并且必须修改WebContentManagement缓存策略以使用Edge组件。
Next, you must enable the ESI components in the WebSphere Application Server plugin-cfg.xml file, and you must amend the Web Content Management cache policy to use the Edge component.
接下来,必须在WebSphereApplicationServerplugin - cfg . xml文件中启用ESI组件,并且必须修改WebContentManagement缓存策略以使用Edge组件。