By replicating the entire configuration tree from the actual deployment manager node to another application server node, the deployment manager can be quickly restarted on the backup node.
It completes the part serving as the Deployment Manager node in the process server configuration.
At this point, the only usable function in the job manager console is the configuration of the job manager server, mail sessions, security, and troubleshooting functions.
From right to left respectively, the Extendable nodes parts become the process server Deployment Manager, Custom node with Proxy server, and Custom node with process server configuration.
If you are not sure about the value of the report server URL, you can find it on Web Services URL page in Reporting Services Configuration Manager.
如果你不能确定报表服务器的URL,可以在报表服务配置管理器中的“WebServices URL”页中找到它。
Therefore, you must configure the application server for file-based security until you have completed the installation and configuration of Rational Asset Manager.
This a server administration configuration option, and it's completely transparent to the Rational Asset Manager user.
During event subscription, the event subscription data is stored in the configuration tables in the Content Manager library server database.
Update the database manager configuration file and.profile on the server.
As with the original queue manager configuration, use mq Explorer (Figure 7) or runmqsc (Listing 6) to alter the server connection channels that you created earlier on all three queue managers.
Set either the srvcon_auth parameter or the AUTHENTICATION database manager configuration parameter to server.
Create a deployment manager profile on the new server. Make sure the following names match with the configuration on the initial deployment manager server.
Update the database manager configuration parameter srvcon_gssplugin_list with the name of the server-side GSS-API plug-ins in the order of preference.
用按优先顺序排列的服务器端gss - API插件名称列表更新数据库管理器配置参数srvcon_gssplugin _ list。
Update the database manager configuration parameter srvcon_gssplugin_list with the name of the server-side Kerberos plug-in.
用服务器端kerberos插件的名称更新数据库管理器配置参数srvcon_gssplugin _ list。
Update the database manager configuration parameter srvcon_gssplugin_list with the name of the server-side Kerberos plug-in.
用服务器端kerberos插件的名称更新数据库管理器配置参数srvcon_gssplugin _ list。