Version 1.1 includes application service building blocks that can greatly simplify integration of the client function to server capability.
The Web 2.0 and Mobile feature pack provides several application service building blocks and the Dojo Toolkit, which make up all the pieces you need to complete this project.
Web 2.0andMobile特性包提供了多个应用程序服务构建块和DojoToolkit,它们是完成本项目所需的全部内容。
These new patterns offer bigger building blocks for common service and integration scenarios.
A module is one of the bigger, course-grained building blocks that is composed of smaller, fine-grained blocks known as components, a component is the part of a module that is the actual service.
With Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), a business can be visualized as a collection of loosely coupled reusable building blocks, called business services.
The most elemental building blocks for the Registry and Repository content model are service metadata artifact documents (physical documents), such as XSD or WSDL files.
Registry andRepository内容模型的最基本构建块是服务元数据构件文档(物理文档),如xsd或wsdl文件。
Service-Oriented Architecture building blocks: The SOA Solution stack.
In this case, these building blocks have been put together to implement the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) capabilities.
Due to its central role in a service-oriented environment, it is really crucial to understand the server's main building blocks and how they relate to each other.
From a logical perspective, the bottom-up approach starts with subgoals (service components, for example) as the building blocks of the foundation for an enterprise goal of an SOA.
Services are the main building blocks of a service-oriented architecture.
For example, no business-level process or service view can be obtained if the primary concern is how low-level building blocks, representing technical devices, interconnect at a macro-level.
The keys to providing an integrated environment for on demand solutions are a service-oriented architecture (SOA), and services as building blocks.
Service-oriented coarse-grained building blocks are represented as components.
Typically, you would want to associate the list with an inbound or outbound service, two of the main administrative building blocks for exposing web services in the SIBus.
In part 1, you are introduced to an SOA reference architecture, the SOA solution Stack, which defines the layers and building blocks necessary to correctly architect service-oriented solutions.
在第1部分中,我们介绍了SOA参考模型SOA解决方案堆栈(SOA Solution Stack),其中定义了正确地确定面向服务的解决方案的体系结构所需的层次和构建块。
The new Web service-oriented features provide basic building blocks to creating applications while utilizing DB2s rich XML functionality.
新的面向Web服务的特性为利用DB 2丰富的XML功能和创建应用程序提供基本的构造块。
Solution architects use the Service Registry and Repository to find existing services you can use as building blocks for assembly of new composite services.
解决方案架构师使用ServiceRegistry andRepository来查找现有服务,您可以将这些服务用作组装新的组合服务的构件。
Solution architects use the Service Registry and Repository to find existing services you can use as building blocks for assembly of new composite services.
解决方案架构师使用ServiceRegistry andRepository来查找现有服务,您可以将这些服务用作组装新的组合服务的构件。