This can even happen for a small DG located on the secondary because of the voltage drop along the service drop, the secondary wiring, and the distribution transformer.
Drop the service archive file into the repository.
Any service that you create becomes a component that you can drop into an assembly diagram (see the next section).
Telecom value-added service providers are also expected to see their profits drop after the new system takes effect.
Offenders would at first receive letters. If piracy did not drop by 70%, internet-service providers would be required to roll out stronger measures.
One of the most common indicators of high-risk customers is a drop off in usage of the company's service.
IBM's revenue came in short of analysts' forecasts because of a drop in the value of service contracts.
While many were doubtful that the real Zuckerberg would join a competing social service, tech blogger Robert Scoble texted Zuckerberg himself to confirm, tweeting out "Name drop moment."
许多人怀疑扎克伯格本尊居然会加入竞争对手的社交网络服务,但科技博主robert Scoble发短信给扎克伯格本人确认过,并发表了一篇微博“水落石出的时候。”
HTML being the language of the Web also makes it the most portable format for a Web site: just drop the XHTML pages on your own Web server or upload them to your Web service provider.
There, she will offer a drop-in mosquito-identification service.
If piracy did not drop by 70%, internet-service providers would be required to roll out stronger measures.
If you want to use the business service, there are a number of levels at which you can drag and drop into the business model.
There are 190 C17As in service; the aircraft is propelled by four turbofan engines (of the same type used on the twin-engine Boeing 757) and can drop 102 paratroopers at once.
现在有190架c 17 A在服役。它由四个涡轮发动机驱动,和波音757所用发动机型号相同,一次能够运送102人。
The drop in the jobless rate were mainly seen in the amusement and recreational services, restaurants and hotels, and sanitary service sectors.
When I told the driver where I was going he agreed to drop me back at the service station I had just left.
Two soldiers drop to one knee to pay their respects following a memorial service for Staff Sgt. Stacy A. Green and Lance Cpl.
两名士兵单膝跪地向参谋军士斯泰西a .格林和下士何塞a。
In the Shared Settings mode in the portlet, there is a drop-down box to select a service and to create custom search queries or tag filters for that service.
This shows the referenced Web service with a drop-down list of ports available for the Web service.
Drag and drop the required operations to this Web service.
If not, click Next until you get to the client test page and select the Web Service JSP page from the test facility drop down, as shown in Figure 21.
What needs to be done is to drop the required web service archive into the services directory in the repository.
As one of my colleagues says, "an easy answer to accessibility might be SOA — drop it behind a web service."
Meanwhile, Grupo Ferrovial, the Spanish infrastructure company that owns BAA, posted a 49% drop in annual net profit partly because of service costs on its debt.
Drag-and-drop a Web service component onto the assembly diagram.
If you want to deploy a service, you need to drop the service archive file into the services directory.
Since we're starting with the Web1 web service, the first client we generate will be put into the Web2 client project; so select it from the drop-down list, and click Finish.
For example, ODS enables the creation and deployment of a web service from a query or stored procedure using drag-and-drop features.
Or if they choose, they can use the drag-and-drop functionality in EGL to drop a Web service onto a JSP page and access it through a Webpage.
In this case, we import a service for getting contacts, wire in the list, and set the current contact. The drop down binds to the contacts collection.
This drag-and-drop functionality is also used to bind the EGL function that calls the Web service to a Submit button on the page.