Serving classic American favorites with a modern twist, all meals served at Hotel Valley Ho put an emphasis on the unique combination of flavor and nourishment.
We also have to consider whether serving nutritionally sound meals at school is itself part of the curriculum; teaching kids what foods are best for their bodies by offering such foods at lunchtime.
The more than 13,000 athletes and coaches at the Asian Games are eating well with former White House chef Doug Bradley in charge of serving up a variety of meals daily.
Most of his meals are at mall food courts or in cheap restaurants serving Arabic cuisine.
More than 13,000 athletes and coaches at the Asian Games are eating well with former White House chef Doug Bradley in charge of serving up a variety of meals daily.
Take a decent serving of food, one that will satisfy you without going back for more. It's the seconds at meals that add calories, not the main performance.
The restaurant stop serving meals at 12:00 midnight.
The restaurant stop serving meals at 12:00 midnight.