The devices communicate via a SIM card to our Session Manager.
Once the data is received into the session manager the data is passed to the processing unit.
It is called the session Manager Subsystem and is responsible for handling sessions on your system.
We use session manager to solve the problem of sending and receiving the multi formats of media data;
Basically, you can configure how often the session manager writes to the database or to the peer server's memory.
The session manager is an intelligent unit which is able to manage the traffic of incoming and outgoing data.
The next major piece to change would be the "write contents," or the options as to what the session manager will write out.
Session Manager saves and restores the state of all Windows either on demand or automatically at startup and after crashes.
Session Manager在崩溃后重启时可以根据需要或自动地保存和恢复所有窗口的状态。
Session Manager can encrypt session data stored in session files as well as the closed window file. To enable this feature, do the following.
Session Manager可以加密保存在会话文件和已关闭的窗口文件中的会话数据。
A query algorithm and distributed backup model based on session manager are proposed to guarantee the reliability of cooperative editing systems.
Second, session manager processes all receiver's feedback information to monitor the network's status, then changes the sender's transmission rate dynamically.
The SSM, Secure Session Manager, is a client based software program that can provide technician access to the secure DDM database, allowing only access to the connection information for the devices.
The database manager automatically rolls back one of the transactions, either the one in the first session or the one in the second session.
This file controls what happens when the VNC session is created — most notably, which window manager is used.
"There are few outdoor activities at school, " said Tang Xiaogang, the manager at a vocational school who had brought his five-year-old son to the football training session.
Recording a Rational Quality Manager session with the HTTP Proxy recorder of the SOA quality extension generates complex test scenarios, which are difficult to understand and to handle.
记录Rational QualityManager与SOA质量扩展HTTP代理记录器之间的会话,会生成复杂的测试场景,它会很难理解和处理。
The IBM Records Manager API comprises some stateful session beans for the client’s usage.
Therefore, how to provide a way to expose these stateful session beans as a web service is a big issue for the implementation of IBM Records Manager web Services.
因此,如何将这些有状态会话bean公开为Web服务成为IBMRecordsManager WebServices实现的一个大问题。
In the maximum idle time field, enter the maximum time that a session can be idle before the Connection Manager clears the session's authentication token, forcing the client to re-authorize.
Start an interactive session with the source queue manager by issuing this command
Start an interactive session with the target queue manager by issuing this command.
Start an interactive MQSC session with the target queue manager by issuing the following command.
Start an interactive MQSC session with the source queue manager by issuing the following command
The manager component is an EJB3 session bean and we will discuss it in the next section.
Stop the interactive MQSC session with the source queue manager by issuing the end command.
Use the end command to stop the interactive session with the source queue manager.
Start a new Xdmx session that spans both nodes running the TWM window manager.
然后启动新的Xdmx会话,横跨两个运行t wm窗口管理器的节点。
If you are already logged into a graphical window manager session, such as GNOME or KDE, start an Xterm.
If you are already logged into a graphical window manager session, such as GNOME or KDE, start an Xterm.