The ruling set a precedent for future libel cases.
The judge's decision set a precedent for future cases of contempt of court.
Whether this will set a precedent for many other aggrieved groups is doubtful.
Whether this will set a precedent for many other aggrieved [3] groups is doubtful.
You have set a precedent for accepting bad behavior, but it doesn't have to continue.
WIPO's Symposium to Address Operational Deficiencies in Global IP Systems will set a precedent for a wide range of IP issues.
Lao She opened up public sentiment with Beijing Beijing dialect to write custom, the Dow set a precedent for Beijing human story.
He says this research and how Science and the British journal Nature decide to publish it will set a precedent for future publications.
The region's leaders, like the Chinese, are afraid that any intervention would set a precedent for outside meddling in their own affairs.
On the flipside, if you put the work in and set a precedent for a more flexible view of scheduling based on your results, that’s good for everybody.
Rio Tinto's quick response to the court's findings may set a precedent for multinational companies' response when employees get enmeshed in China's murky legal environment.
Although these companies aren't disputing their recent losses, offering Shenzhen Nanshan a break could set a precedent for Goldman if ever confronted in the future by other corporate clients.
The use of natural and overhead lighting combined with a clear layout of interlinked rooms set a precedent for gallery design world-wide. Don't be fooled by the out-of-town location of the gallery;
Germans still fret about moral hazard: a bail-out wouldmean that Greece gets away with years of irresponsible fiscal policyand could set a bad precedent for other euro delinquents.
The events of last week in Pikalyovo also set a dangerous precedent for Russia's other 500 to 700 mono-towns - all dependent on a single industry for their survival.
But the ruling set an important precedent for treating carbon dioxide as a threat to human welfare, and opens the way to regulating it by tightening fuel-economy standards.
He believes that a precedent has been set for more unilateral raids in the future.
Germans still fret about moral hazard: a bail-out would mean that Greece gets away with years of irresponsible fiscal policy and could set a bad precedent for other euro delinquents.
Four hours later, I was still waiting, my schedule for the day had been turned upside down, and the client had set a precedent that I would pin to him for the remainder of our relationship.
Many argued that any sort of sentence for Huang would set a precedent and keep well-meaning citizens from intervening to prevent similar future crimes.
The process might even set a useful precedent for the future.
Such price cutting in Britain is alarming some u. s. industry analysts who fear it could set a dangerous precedent for the u. s.
As it stands, however, there's been no precedent set of a chef actually suing someone for taking a photo of their food.
For some, the intervention set a dangerous precedent: protecting big investors from risks they had willingly taken.
But the ruling set an important precedent for treating carbon dioxide as a threat to human welfare, and opens the way to regulating it by tightening fueleconomy standards.
But the ruling set an important precedent for treating carbon dioxide as a threat to human welfare, and opens the way to regulating it by tightening fueleconomy standards.