For this test, the Ex versions of the strsafe functions set NULL on failure and 0xfe as the fill byte.
When ON delete set NULL is active, when a record is deleted from the parent table, all records in the child table with matching foreign key values are set to NULL.
当ON DELETESET NULL规则被激活时,如果一条记录从父表中删除,子表中的所有记录以及匹配的外键值都被设置为NULL。
Additional code could be added to perform a check to see if the new value is a user-defined value indicating that the database value should be set to NULL or the default value defined for the column.
If doesn't exist or is NULL, exit the command or script and display the error message set with.
If doesn't exist or is NULL, set to and return.
To avoid this problem, you can define a complex type to wrap the value type and set the complex type to be null to indicate a null reference.
The use of these specific columns ensures that the related column values are not inadvertently set to NULL.
An error could occur in the first test and prevent the variable's value from being set, thus resulting in the other tests receiving a null value.
If the former is true, then the indicator variable for that column is set to -1 which results in the column being updated with the null value.
如果是前一种情况,那么该列的指示符变量被设置为- 1,这导致该列被更新为空值。
would set variable phone to NULL.
将设置变量电话为 NULL。
The "name" column will be a CHAR (30), set to NOT NULL, and have a unique index on it.
Here, the namespace is set to namespace, but it could just as easily have been left blank or null if no namespace were wanted.
This happens if you leave the event.title field null, or set it to an empty string.
如果让event . title字段为空,或者将它设置为空字符串就会出现这种情况。
Prior to the DB2 for I 6.1 release, SQL Update and Insert statements could use an indicator variable with a value of -1 to set a null capable column to the null value.
在DB 2fori 6.1发布之前,SQLUpdate和insert语句能够使用一个值为- 1的指示符变量,将支持空值的列设置为空值。
It is very important that you have the correct null modem cable with you to set up the debugging environment.
If this checkbox is not selected, the generated WSDL is set to (null), as shown in Listing 7.
The corresponding field in the business object is automatically set to null.
You want to set the target buffer to NULL on failure.
To disable DB2 to run on the SAP setting, simply set the DB2_WORKLOAD registry variable to NULL and restart the database instance.
若要禁用SAP设置上运行的DB2,就只要将 DB2_WORKLOAD注册表变量设置为 NULL,并重新启动数据库实例。
The constructor function has no parameters and returns an instance of the type with all of its attributes set to null values.
If the accept header is null, this means that the client accepts any type, so the default is set.
If viewForward is null, this variable is set to failure in the execute method.
This will return null only when focus has been set to "no component."
这样,只有当焦点被设置成“无组件(no component)”时才会返回空。
If you do not want to have the event source set the current correlation sphere ID, you should pass null in as the second parameter.
After working with obj after this if block, you should set obj to null to enable the garbage collector to reclaim this object to take full advantage of weak references.
在使用这个if块之后的obj之后,您应该将ob j设置为null,从而让垃圾收集器能够回收这个对象以充分利用弱引用。
If the pointer for an overlapped operation is set to NULL, DeviceIoControl will work in a blocked (synchronous) way.
If you set link to null, a new database connection is created.
You can still have memory leaks if you forget to set unused Pointers to null.
You can still have memory leaks if you forget to set unused Pointers to null.