"One house" : building settlement houses.
We returned to the States where he took charge of a settlement house in Brooklyn, New York.
Active house-to-house surveillance in the settlement has failed to detect any further cases.
At the White House, Dana Perino agreed that settlement activity is a big problem.
How to solve this problem, it is necessary for us to use the foreign and successful low income person's experience of the house of settlement for reference.
This paper expounds the settlement and the meaning of the boundary point in the measure of land record, house property, and introduces two ways of measure, namely direct way and indirect way.
The clearing house informs every exchange member of their net settlement status.
Liu Kwang, no longer afraid of being lowered into a well by the landlord, received a new house from the settlement.
Bohadana's home is just a few yards from the house the gunmen attacked. 'we heard a real gunfight in the settlement, shooting between houses, and we knew it was something unusual.
Bohadana's home is just a few yards from the house the gunmen attacked. 'we heard a real gunfight in the settlement, shooting between houses, and we knew it was something unusual.