The soft joint can suit to the nonuniform settlement of foundation and decrease stress concentration at connection part.
Dewatering for different foundation pit fencing structures in soft ground has different impacts on the head of ground water, causing different ground settlement.
The normal calculation studies the stability, settlement and average degree of consolidation of the soft foundation.
The results show that the geosynthetics reinforced sand blankets can improve the ability to resist deformation of the soft clay foundation and reduce the settlement in a certain extent.
The significance and prospect for the application of plastic drain boards to soft-soil foundation in the northeast cold areas are analysed in terms of degree of consolidation and settlement curve.
The hard shell course on soft clay foundation has such characters as stress distribution, back berm, lagging behind of settlement and closed action.
Because of the complexity of the soft foundation, it is much difficult to calculate the additional settlement caused by the plastic flow accurately.
The normal calculation studies stability, settlement and average degree of consolidation of the soft foundation.
A reasonable method to modify the calculated settlement of soft clayey foundation in superload and vacuum preloading consolidation is analyzed and discussed in this paper.
Considering the thick backfill and soft foundation soil in the cut-and-cover section of Jiadi tunnel, a pile-raft foundation is accepted in order to avoid negative effect due to excessive settlement.
There is equal settlement section in the reinforced area of the composite foundation, the sparse capped pile settlement controlled composite foundation can enhance the stability of soft ground.
The settlement of a soft soil foundation often manifests as complicated features at time sequence due to the influence of many factors.
It is proved that pretreatment of the soft ground at abutment can effectively reduce the said friction and avoid settlement of pile foundation.
The settlement and its rate of soft foundation improved by this technology is remarkable during construction, which is beneficial to control residual settlement.
In view of a soft soil foundation engineering, a comparative analysis is made of the settlement amount, the consolidation degree and the consolidation rate when the plastic drain plate is used or not.
When the depth of soft layer is smaller than the width of foundation, the one dimensional consolidation theory can be used to calculate the settlement.
The settlement characteristic of the foundation of large steam turbine located on soft soil was introduced in this paper and the related reasons were analyzed.
The settlement of soft soil foundation which contains rotten wood is fast in convergence after it is deep treated and has a little post-construction settlement.
The observation content of the soft foundation mainly includes settlements of midline and shoulder of the embankment, settlement at different depth, lateral displacement, pore water pressure.
The calculation methods of the post construction settlement on soft clay foundation are discussed.
With it earthquake settlement of foundation on soft clay is analyzed to show cyclic degraded behaviour of soft clay and other important factors affecting computation of the settlement.
Reinforcement of soft soil foundation with dusting pile is capable of effectively lowering the settlement of subgrade, lessening the vehicle bump at bridge head.
The presented method can provide a simple and practical assessment of settlement for a soft clay foundation treatment with vertical drains.
Concerning foundation design of power equipment on thick soft soil layer in coastal region, the overwhelming question is settlement control.
To solve the problems of great settlement, poor stability and low bearing pressure on foundation, it is necessary to treat the soft foundation in construction.
In soft soil areas the pile foundation is often used for the foundation of buildings to ensure their stability or control their settlement.
The refined load-transfer method was used to analyze the settlement of socketed pile on soft rock foundation.
There is no perfect calculation method for soft foundation instant settlement at present. And the environment of the seaside soft foundation is very complicated.
The control of settlement difference is a key technology of up-side-down construction adopted for soft soil foundation.
The control of settlement difference is a key technology of up-side-down construction adopted for soft soil foundation.