YAG laser has been used to machine rectangular-shaped holes of about several microns in width.
The wires were highly uniform in size, several microns long, but only about 50 nanometers in diameter.
Otavite grains are very tiny in size, being commonly only several microns, and the large ones are several tens of microns.
菱镉矿的晶粒微小,一般只有几个微米,大者几十微米,常与菱锌矿、 硫镉矿共生或伴生在一起,呈疏松集合体、皮壳或薄膜状产出。
Reclaim is defined as the removal of several microns of the silicon wafer and subsequent re-polishing of the wafer surface.
Electrospinning is one of methods to produce effectively nanofibers with diameter ranging from several nanometers to several microns.
LRM USES a confocal scattering technique, so the preparation of sample is simply, and the dimension of inclusion can be only several microns.
Nowadays the ions with energies of several MeV are often implanted into the optical materials to form waveguide structures of several microns beneath the surface of the sample.
Result of cross section analysis showed that the second phase reduced within a range of several tens microns, and the depth of heat affected zone (HAZ) increased with the increment of pulses.
The ultrathin materials which show ferroelectricity and the thickness of which is from several ten nanometers to a few microns are called ferroelectric thin film.
The ultrathin materials which show ferroelectricity and the thickness of which is from several ten nanometers to a few microns are called ferroelectric thin film.