On future production an adjustment to the sewing machine thread tension should be made.
这是为以后的成品调解拉紧裁缝机穿 线而做的!
How do you thread a needle on this sewing machine?
Thread Clippers: an efficient tool for clipping threads for both hand and machine sewing, they can also be used in clipping curves and opening buttonholes.
Machine function that traces through the design, stitch by stitch, without sewing - used for mending. Those stitches made when the needle is disconnected, later removed by thread cutting.
This is thread clipper, an efficient tool for clipping threads for both hand and machine sewing, they can also be used in clipping curves and opening buttonholes.
Each step of our machine moves fast and the thread trimmer system are perfect, offer higher productivity and higher quality sewing operation.
Buttoning a sewing machine type buttoning a sewing machine can be divided into single thread chain line mark and double-thread lockstitch of two kinds.
This machine could be used in sewing plastic woven bag, sack, paper bag mouth and binding of Bag-making Plant. It could use single-thread and 2-thread.
This machine could be used in sewing plastic woven bag, sack, paper bag mouth and binding of Bag-making Plant. It could use single-thread and 2-thread.