Shakyamuni Buddha looking at you.
The fact is that the teachings are the same which all came from Lord Shakyamuni.
It was the Buddhism of Shakyamuni as it manifested itself in the Himalayan region.
The Buddha is made of a lot of compassion, and that is why Shakyamuni Buddha tried to help.
Vesak Day commemorates the Birth, Enlightenment and Mahaparinirvana of Lord Shakyamuni Buddha.
Think about it. When we compare ourselves to Shakyamuni Buddha, shouldn't we feel great remorse?
Lumbini, the birthplace of Lord Shakyamuni Buddha is a sacred place for Buddhists from all over the world.
Then with all these manifested bodies, Shakyamuni made a gesture, and suddenly the door of the stupa opened.
Here there Buddha Shakyamuni intervened and said actually Manjushri did a amazing thing because Manjushri knew that.
Even with his position of wealth and honor, Shakyamuni Buddha was willing to suffer and cultivate. What is our position?
At these words Vakula stopped gazing at Shakyamuni, but he nevertheless was unable to tear himself away from the Perfect One's presence.
They are the characteristics of the physical harmony and beauty of a Great Being, and are described in Story of the Life of Buddha Shakyamuni.
Soon many people would go to France to attend this big Buddha exhibition, then whose ancestors should Shakyamuni, or Buddha belong to in your eyes?
Since his father was of the Shakya clan, after he became enlightened, Siddhartha was respectfully referred to as Shakyamuni (the sage of the Shakya clan).
In the temple, inside the large niche in the center of the main hall, the functional ceremony for goldening the 12-year-old-like Shakyamuni statue is going on.
Why didn't Shakyamuni Buddha prohibit smoking but disallowed drinking? It is because during that time when the Buddha was in the world no one knew about smoking.
For instance, it is believed that Suddhodana or Shakyamuni Buddha's father, the physical father Suddhodana, is considered, in the mahayana sutras, as a Manjushri in person.
I’ll close with one of my favorite quotes by Shakyamuni Buddha, which Fogel includes before the Preface: “Your worst enemy cannot harm you as much as your own unguarded thoughts.
His Holiness concluded the teaching session by giving mantra transmissions: the mantra of Shakyamuni Buddha, Tara, Guru Rinpoche and Chenrezig, before blessing each person individually.
His Holiness concluded the teaching session by giving mantra transmissions: the mantra of Shakyamuni Buddha, Tara, Guru Rinpoche and Chenrezig, before blessing each person individually.