The shallow seas on the continents probably buffered the temperature of the nearby air, keeping it relatively constant.
The continents were flooded by shallow seas.
The property of long waves may be essentially changed by the strong dissipation in shallow seas.
Petroleum was formed at a later time than coal from plant and animals that lived in shallow seas.
The UK and its relatively shallow seas surrounding it are ideal for developing this new technology for fossil-fuel power plants.
But building a massive turbine and anchoring it firmly to the seafloor is expensive. So wind power is restricted to shallow seas.
The Permian period saw the creation of the supercontinent Pangaea, where shallow seas in and around the huge landmass offered a home to an abundance of life.
With the oil field's development in the seas, deserts and shallow seas, the requirement for multiphase pipeline flow technology is becoming more and more urgent.
Many sedimentary rocks contain such features as ripple marks, exactly like those we can see forming in sediments at the bottom of present-day lakes or shallow seas.
They wriggled around in the sediments of shallow seas, gulped prey into their minuscule, baglike bodies and expelled the water through cone-shaped spouts around their mouths.
Indonesian officials said they had discovered debris and bodies from AirAsia flight QZ8501, which had vanished previously, floating in shallow seas near the south-west coast of Borneo.
印尼官员表示,已经发现在婆罗洲西南海岸周边的浅海中,漂浮着消失的亚航QZ 8501航班的残骸与尸体。
The majority of fossils are found on Marine sedimentary rocks. Most of these rocks were formed in shallow seas where the life was abundant and where remains were rather quickly buried.
The oldest known rocks are about 4 billion years old, yet even they formed roughly half a million millenniums after our planet's surface cooled and water first pooled into shallow seas.
Coralreefs thrive in the clear, shallow coastal waters of tropical seas.
This sonar can scan thousands of square kilometres of the shallow-shelf seas at one time and see schools of fish moving within them.
A shallow part of the western Pacific Ocean between the Timor and Coral seas, separating New Guinea from Australia.
Mosasaurs breathed air and were powerful swimmers that were well-adapted to living in the warm, shallow epicontinental seas prevalent during the Late Cretaceous Period.
They are found worldwide in warm and temperate seas, mostly in shallow water But some (genus Benthobatis) at depths greater than 3,000 ft.
They are found worldwide in warm and temperate seas, mostly in shallow water But some (genus Benthobatis) at depths greater than 3,000 ft.