Investors were unimpressed, and while the reportedly highly profitable company reports cash of $2.29 per share, the stock is trading at $1.55.
Danone said June 18 it would inform investors if it starts a share buyback and that the company could purchase as much as 500 million euros of stock.
On October 31, Google stock passed through $700 a share, becoming the 5th largest listed company in the United States.
而在 2007年10月31日 ,Google股票跨过每股700美元的关口,成为全美第五大上市公司。
A stock represents partial ownership of a company - the smallest share possible.
If a company whose stock is selling for $40 a share pays an annual dividend of 80cents a share, the stock's yield is 2%.
Share certificates are issued in joint stock limited company, which represent shareholder's right.
Now, the company has proposed a three-to-one stock split in its quarterly results, which would give each Facebook shareholder two additional, non-voting shares for each single share they already hold.
The owner of a share of stock in a company.
Public share issue is one way for the establishment of a joint stock limited company.
The value of a company stock is often directly related to it's market share.
One of nine of the highest-paid executives in Silicon Valley last year lacked the one thing typically needed to attend their own company's annual shareholders meeting: a single share of company stock.
Stock in a company gives the buyer a financial share in that business.
At London Stock Exchange, the sharp drop in the share price of Glaxo SmithKlein, the largest pharmaceutical company in Europe, has affected the market.
When you buy a share of stock, you are taking a share of ownership in a company.
The bull case for Ingredion is that management seems determined to grow the company, likely through acquisitions, and also increase earnings per share through stock buybacks.
The nature of transference of the share in public limited company is stronger, law imposes less restrictions on it, the stock of listed company can be transferred quite fluently in stock market.
A share of stock refers to a unit of ownership in a company.
Greenmail is the practice of buying larger share of a company's stock to threaten a hostile takeover and reselling it to the company at a price above market value.
The capital of the company, also it is called the capital stock or the capital share, which is invested by the shareholders who denote money as the company's legal property.
The Share repurchase is the legal act that a stock company repurchase its own emitted shares.
Have proved negotiating transfer and net asset per share method is the main characteristic of state-run stock right transfer of listed company in our country at present.
Company high level expresses, when company share price basically suffers stock market influence to drop considerably, counter-purchase a stock to be helpful for investor.
The Brazilian oil company Petrobras has unveiled plans to sell more than $64 billion of new stock in what some analysts are describing as the world's biggest ever share offering.
There are 4 interest objects in the project, the listed company, the non-exchangeable-share holders, the exchangeable-share holders, and the preferred stock investors.
Article 78 The registered capital of a joint stock limited company shall be the total amount of share capital which is paid in and registered with the company registration authority.
If you own one share of common stock in a company that has issued one million shares, you are entitled to 1 one-millionth of the firm's net income and 1 one-millionth of the firm's assets.
If you own one share of common stock in a company that has issued one million shares, you are entitled to 1 one-millionth of the firm's net income and 1 one-millionth of the firm's assets.