He made a huge profit from the sale of shares purchased in January under the company's share option programme.
Aviva is now selling new life policies with record profit margins in a market where its share has increased to more than 10% from 6% a decade ago.
It may be that Siemens faces its hardest battle for market share in health care, which accounts for about one-sixth of its revenue and one-fifth of its profit.
Profit will be about $4.80 a share in the fourth quarter, which includes the yearend holiday shopping season, the company said.
In the 18 months through June 2008, before commodity and stock markets tumbled, Alcoa's profit excluding one-time items averaged 62 cents a share.
In the late 1990s, the profit share of American GDP was falling while listed companies repeatedly announced bumper earnings.
Analysts on average put Microsoft's profit at 49 cents a share for the quarter ended December 31, which includes a U.S. holiday shopping season that has been called the worst in at least four decades.
In the quarter, Yahoo's profit more than tripled to $186.1 million, or 13 cents a share, up from $54.3 million, or four cents a share, a year ago.
In most product categories, hundreds or thousands of firms compete for domestic market share, leaving profit margins razor thin.
The U.S. used to have absurdities like this--companies in effect declaring a profit from the rise in their own share prices.
Nokia's share price fell to its lowest level in 13 years after the company issued a profit warning and forecast that sales in the second quarter would be "substantially below" expectations.
The agricultural industrialization can let farmers share the profit in processing farm products and marketing course, therefore to change the low profit of agriculture and increase farmers' income.
Nokia reported a third-quarter net profit of euro529 million, up from a net loss of euro559 million last year, but said it had lost market share to 30% in the period -from 34% in 2009.
Nokia reported a third-quarter net profit of euro529 million, up from a net loss of euro559 million last year, but said it had lost market share to 30% in the period - from 34% in 2009.
Credit Suisse said it expects Nokia's smartphone market share to fall to 41.6 percent in 2009, hurting profit margins.
In the meantime, Mr Jobs will continue to trash the competition in a bid to maintain the iPad's profit margins and market share for as long as possible.
The company saw 17-percent revenue growth and 21-percent unit growth in its fourth-quarter earnings, for a net quarterly profit of $1.14 billion, or $1.26 per diluted share.
Sina's net profit in the three months ended June 30 was $10.0 million, or 15 cents a share, down from $25.2 million, or 38 cents a share, a year earlier.
The firm posted a 1.5% increase in annual net profit to 1.63 billion pounds ($2.53 billion) and raised its dividend by 6% to 23.5 pence a share.
The main problems are concentrated in the disputes over investment, the ownership of the building, the share of the profit and the responsibility of the investors.
The basic earnings per share and the diluted earnings per share shall be separately presented in the interim profit statement.
In the fierce market competition, the enterprise has to put a lot of effort in order to gain more market share and profit.
In the fierce market competition, the enterprise has to put a lot of effort in order to gain more market share and profit.