It's one of many low-tech fixes for high-tech failures that people without engineering degrees have discovered, often out of desperation, and shared.
Popular elements do not appear out of place in Glass's classical music, which from its early days has shared certain harmonies and rhythms with rock music.
But it's one of many low-tech fixes for high-tech failures that people without engineering degrees have discovered, often out of desperation, and shared.
Conversely, flat sharing can be very cheap and there will always be someone to talk to and go out with, and the chores, in theory, can be shared.
It turned out that Watson and Venter shared fewer variations in their genetic sequences than they each shared with Kim.
Michael soon moved out of the Halifax house he Shared with his boyfriends and sequestered himself in an apartment across town.
Limit: Because Shared memory is pinned to physical RAM, it will never be swapped out.
Shared memory is pinned to RAM and cannot be swapped out.
The comments are taken from a remarkable article in the Harvard Business Review where Porter lays out his concept of "Shared value".
By default, this is disabled; eaccelerator.shm_ttl = "60" specifies that when eAccelerator runs out of shared memory, any script that hasn't been accessed in 60 seconds should be purged.
默认情况下,这是被禁用的;eaccelerator.shm_ttl = "60"指定:当eAccelerator 用完共享内存时,60秒内未被访问的所有脚本都将被清除。
"Information could be Shared without the owner's permission and lost," Enderle pointed out.
I would advise anyone in my situation to move out of a Shared property, rent it out, split the rental income and make your own arrangements.
You can then "switch to" other IDs without signing out, and thus can check email or Shared photos of other IDs.
If both of you are insomniac, sitting by yourselves in a lounge, that is the hour when secret concerns and hopes are Shared, out of the staff's earshot.
We have a basic, physical need for other people; there are Shared, mutual benefits in a community, so we look out for each other.
So for now it means we need to find those things that bring us personal, solitary flow, but seek out and savor mutually desirable and Shared events.
I Shared 4 out of 100 or so photos of a recent holiday.
All the children in the study were adopted to rule out the possibility of sleep problems due to Shared genes.
As the economy recovers, some of those people will move out of their Shared homes and buy their own.
I fix myself some eggs and sit at the kitchen table, which looks out onto a courtyard shared by several houses.
As it turned out, we Shared mutual friends.
Jointly developing weapons carries considerable costs: decisions are arduous and work has to be Shared out.
A big chunk of federal money gets Shared out among local communities by population.
Eventually, the settlers abandoned the principle of Shared labor and contracted out to private work crews.
The official line is that he and Mr Brown have buried the hatchets they once deployed against each other, and revived the understanding they shared before their falling out.
The story of the film comes out of these two weeks shared by this eclectic group.
In Domino 6.5, the server ran out of Shared memory after 9000 clients.
在Domino 6.5中,服务器在达到9000个用户之后就用光了共享内存。
In Domino 6.5, the server ran out of Shared memory after 9000 clients.
在Domino 6.5中,服务器在达到9000个用户之后就用光了共享内存。