And the recent debt crisis is shaking the foundations of the European Union's Shared social vision.
Can we now construct a Shared vision of a different global economic order - a model that builds on the dynamic impetus of market forces while taming the influence of power and self-interest?
Nowadays that vision sounds a bit like a dream, and it's hard to say precisely how many of his compatriots shared it for real, but I can't help recalling the sentiment.
I've seen first-hand how photographs like these arrest the eye, invite reflection, provoke emotion, and become a shared experience that gifts us with a larger vision of the world.
They are dedicated to creating a team or organization with Shared or "our" vision.
And the gist of this new management model and method is learning management that will form Shared vision.
Shared vision—creating "pictures of the future" that all members of a group can identify as their own.
I took those senior V.P. positions away and hired one executive vice President for global business who Shared my vision for what I call one global Abt.
Many key players in its top management date to its earliest days, veterans of 100-hour work weeks and parking-lot roller-hockey games, who Shared a vision of a company that could change the world.
The IBM Linux Technology Center (LTC) was founded in August 1999 to work directly with the Linux development community with a Shared vision of making Linux succeed.
IBMLinuxTechnologyCenter (LTC)成立于1999年8月,想让Linux成功的共同梦想使其与Linux开发团体直接合作。
The Shared vision is often interpreted as a mitigation target for 2050.
A Shared vision is a picture that everyone in the company carries in their heads and hearts.
Through our Board and Member leadership, a great staff, and a Shared vision, Fort Bend County has grown into one of the most successful counties in the country today.
Crucial to the implementation of cultural change is management's ability to use leadership and provide a Shared vision of the future.
Its establishment involves surpassing self, improving mental models, creating Shared vision, team learning, and systems thinking of the fifth discipline.
Firstly, strengthen school leadership through fostering a learning organization, shared vision and learning teams, and by transforming school administration into school leading.
There was a lot of meaning attached to their rallying call, and it connected them to a Shared vision.
Although we still have a ways to go, our Shared vision inspires me to keep going.
Shared vision has great charisma led to inspire people for a better vision of relentless pursuit, gather together, to provide impetus to stimulate creativity.
Building Shared vision is one of The five disciplines of learning organization which had been advanced by American famous managerialist Peter m.
I can't remember the director's name, but he gave us a great tour of the facility and Shared his vision.
Teamwork: Contributes to effective team output through co-operation, participation and a commitment to Shared vision and goals.
Teamwork: Contributes to effective team output through co-operation, participation and a commitment to Shared vision and goals.