Of course, she is the driver, and her dogs will be seating behind.
The acid test of a good driver is whether he or she remains calm in an emergency.
The idea is that when a driver looks at their GPS screen, he/she isn't actually looking at the road. With this, the driver still can see the road, which removes that visibility impairment.
She and they managed for the most part to do what they wanted (one of her girlfriends is a racing driver) without making a big fuss about the multiple absurdities.
She said the driver had only 20 years old, is a university student in school.
She is full of hatred for the driver who killed her child.
She is a good driver, but as a mechanic, she is just a babe in the woods.
A "windshield" is a large glass window in the front of a car that a driver looks though to see where he or she is going.
She is sitting in the front of the car with the driver.
But the trouble is she is a backseat driver with some of us.
The husband, a 41-year-old taxi driver, and his 25-year-old wife were sentenced to two years in prison, but the woman's term was suspended because she is pregnant.
According to the newspaper, the driver, who was returning from a wedding, seemed puzzled. "I only had two bottles of beer and a cocktail," she is reported to have said.
According to the newspaper, the driver, who was returning from a wedding, seemed puzzled. "I only had two bottles of beer and a cocktail," she is reported to have said.