Despite the repeated blasting horn, she never developed the fear an ordinary person would feel when seeing the blue square.
What she does very much fear for, though, is the future of all those under-18s who have never known anything other than the distraction of texts, emails and tweets.
Tia said the contrast between the carefree fun of the school playground and then the fear of death for her and the baby was something she would never forget.
She never seem to fear that I will withdraw her hand.
"It creates a climate of fear, and a climate of fear is never a great way to run a business, " she says.
She had never once dared think about telling her plight to her parents, for fear of being disowned.
She experienced many twists and turns, can saying is unfortunate, but she never bow to fate, feel fear any difficulties in front of her.
Of course, she wasn't really my aunt and, out of fear, I never called her that to her face.
All of those desires, regardless their simplicity or grandeur, she holds dearly will never be realized due to her fear of losing her money.
All of those desires, regardless their simplicity or grandeur, she holds dearly will never be realized due to her fear of losing her money.