The deformation behavior and shear localization in truncated conic specimens of tungsten heavy alloys under impact loading are simulated by the finite element code ABAQUS.
The reason for the sawtooth chips is that the adiabatic shear localization occurs in the primary deformation zones when thermal softening exceeds strain and strain rate hardening.
The chip deformation of titanium alloys is typical shear localization from low cutting speed, which is general phenomenon in machining of difficult to cut material at high cutting speed.
The finite deformation theory is applied to investigate the effects of boundary condition and loading speed on shear band localization of normally consolidated Fujinomori clay.
It is assumed that plastic deformation stems from the localization of shear strain.
The finite deformation theory and the Nakai's sub-loading constitutive model are used to investigate shear band localization in plane strain model tests.
The finite deformation theory and the Nakai's sub-loading constitutive model are used to investigate shear band localization in plane strain model tests.