The Changpo reverse anticline controls the location of Changpo-Tongkeng deposit, while the bed-parallel shear fracture zone and thrust fault control the ore bodies.
It shows from study that the first section of rock system in Gai County , the shear fracture zone extending toward northwest and Wolongquan rock mass are major geological factors of ore control.
Finally, this paper gives a shape equation of rock compression shear fracture nucleus describing the microcracking zone.
This paper presents a result of researching the microcracking zone near the notch tip of rock specimen in compression shear fracture.
Gold mineralization and deposits (occurrences) in Garze-Litang fracture zone are controlled by a ductile shear zone along the fracture zone.
An approach to determining normal stiffness and shear stiffness of fracture zone is also discussed in the paper.
The Huanxiangwa gold deposit occurs in a ductile shear zone in andesite of the middle Proterozoic Xiong'er Group, and the orebody is controlled by fracture zone.
The later one is of a larger scale and mainly controlled by the R type shearing fracture developed in Jinshan shear zone.
The later one is of a larger scale and mainly controlled by the R type shearing fracture developed in Jinshan shear zone.