Presumably it is due to their different critical values of the ratio of slip plane hardening rate to current tensile stress for shear localization.
Presumably, it is due to their different critical values of the ratio of slip plane hardening rate to current tensile stress for shear localization.
Tranagranular cracks result from deformation damage of grain, and its propagation mechanism is shear rupture along slip plane.
The cleavage and schistosity acted as an axial plane role in the early generation of compressed shear fold, and changed into a slip plane in the later generation of flexural slip fold.
Furthermore, from the analytical results indicate that the shear band mode of discontinuous bifurcation is essentially identical with slip line in the plane strain condition.
Furthermore, from the analytical results indicate that the shear band mode of discontinuous bifurcation is essentially identical with slip line in the plane strain condition.