A turbulent combustion of hydrocarbon fuel-rich gas with air two-dimensional supersonic shear flow was numerically simulated.
The rotational dispersion coefficient of the fiber in the turbulent shear flow of fiber suspension was studied theoretically.
The average shear rate obtained with this method is a more reasonable measurement of the average shear history of fluid in turbulent pipe flow.
This suggests that there might be a reciprocity between valvular lesion and flow field uniformity as well as turbulent shear stress, which should be further studied.
Wall shear stress method integrates the plug flow displacing, the low speed displacing and the turbulent flow displacing methods in theory.
According to the definition, a relationship between the shear rate and the energy dissipation rate is obtained for turbulent flow of power law fluid.
Drag reducing agent through molecular associations have high shear stability in turbulent flow was studied and found its shear stability in turbulent flow has been improved greatly.
Using these formulas and a 1-d LDA, mean square value of 2-d turbulent velocity fluctuation and Reynolds shear stress have been measured for water flow in a square duct.
Using these formulas and a 1-d LDA, mean square value of 2-d turbulent velocity fluctuation and Reynolds shear stress have been measured for water flow in a square duct.