The road was covered with a sheet of ice.
The lake was covered with a sheet of ice.
The ice sheet was assumed to have been stable.
Scientists agree that the key player in this scenario is the West Antarctic ice sheet, a Brazil-size mass of frozen water that is as much as 7000 feet thick.
Now, new evidence reveals that all or most of the Antarctic ice sheet collapsed at least once during the past 1.3 million years.
As Herman Engleheart, a co-author from the California Institute of Technology says, "the West Antarctic ice sheet disappear once and can disappear again."
Unlike floating ice shelves which have little impact on sea level when they break up, the ice sheet is anchored to bedrock will blow the sea surface.
Melt along the southern edge of Greenland's ice sheet is now moving up its northwest coast, a new study shows.
Scientists believe the world's great ice sheets will not completely disappear for many more centuries, but the Greenland ice sheet is now shedding more ice than it is accumulating.
"The key difference between our model and previous models is that we include heat exchange between water flowing through the ice sheet and the ice," said Rajaram.
The satellite USES radar to measure its altitude above the ice sheet.
Placea sphere of nuclear waste in a stable ice sheet and it could melt its way down, the ice re-solidifying behind it.
The southern tributary actually drains a larger portion of Greenland's central ice sheet, so a retreat there could lead to a more substantial ice discharge.
Our theory links an external climate-driven process, the melting of the ice sheet, and earthquakes.
Westerners may shrug at the decline of traditional hunting but, in a sense, we all live on the Greenland ice sheet now.
By 2100 they may surge by five times that, or even more if Greenland's ice sheet starts to collapse.
The strait’s status in turn affected ocean currents, which affected the rate of ice sheet melting during the last glacial period.
Several metres of sea level rise is now inevitable as the Greenland ice sheet disappears.
The melting of Greenland's ice sheet is accelerating, threatening an increasing rise in sea levels.
The three glaciers that Hamilton and Stearns measured account for about a fifth of the discharge from the entire Greenland ice sheet.
The only uncertainty is the time it would take for complete ice sheet disintegration.
But it did not destabilise the ice sheet or provide a new reason to worry about rising sea levels.
It is not simply that the ice sheet is melting steadily as global temperatures rise.
But the Greenland ice sheet is not one solid, smooth mass of ice.
The instrument's nervous system comprises 86 strands of light detectors, stretching down into the ice sheet like oversize strings of pearls.
"This study showing warming means we can't be complacent about thinking the West Antarctica ice sheet is invulnerable," Steig said.
The blue diamond is one vivid pointer to the antiquity of the Greenland ice sheet.
A fresh coat of summer snow would have protected the ice sheet, but little snow fell.
A fresh coat of summer snow would have protected the ice sheet, but little snow fell.