Shipping date, Time Limit, Time of shipment.
Could you reconfirm the shipping date for me?
Shipping date , Time Limit , Time of shipment.
A: Can you change the shipping date on out order?
B: They will add a couple of days to our shipping date.
Please quote us your best delivered/CIF price and shipping date.
请报你方最 优惠交货到岸价格(成本加保险费、运费价格) 。
Yes, four or five weeks. That's the shipping date from Shanghai, of course.
Notification includes the exact shipping date and estimated time of arrival.
Yours 9th obscure how long will cargo is delayed advise definite shipping date.
We agree to postpone the shipping date, considering (that) there is nosteamerrecently.
We agree to postpone the shipping date, considering (that) there is no steamer recently.
Can the manufacture supply us with a possible shipping date for the first prototype samples?
Party B shall provide Party a with forecast of shipping date and deadline of shipping company.
Terms of shipment: The seller shall ship the goods within the shipping date from the port of shi…
If your L/C fails, you should be responsible for the cost of amending it to extend the shipping date.
Expect shipping date is mid October. Usually it takes one week to 10 days to Japan and 5 days in US after ship out.
The shipping date should not be later than May. You know, June is peak season of the commodity. Or we will miss the selling season.
We need you to park a trailer at our dock one week prior to the shipping date so we can load it as the goods come off the production line.
I was part of a negotiation team for our company with a big client. We had deadlocked on the several issues, including shipping date and final price.
Our leader had then made the autonomous decision to stand firm on the final price but give in to the client by agreeing to a much earlier shipping date.
The scheduling quality directly influences the efficiency of container terminal operations, shipping date of container vessels, and reputation of port enterprises.
Letter of credit must bear a valid period which may be longer than the shipping period, bur the shipping date should not be later than the validity date of the credit.
We then wrote a proposal to offer the client the better quality merchandise at the same discount price we had agreed on but request that he allow a later shipping date.
Apple will announce the tablet later this month but the shipping date could change as plans have not been finalized, the report said, citing people familiar with the matter.
The client was happy to hear that we can supply the original merchandise he had wanted after all, and at discount price too. So of course, he agreed to the later shipping date.
We contacted our contractor and found out that they can come up with the required better quality merchandise a little later than the shipping date we had agreed with the client.
We contacted our contractor and found out that they can come up with the required better quality merchandise a little later than the shipping date we had agreed with the client.