We have professional photographers to shoot a photo for free?
If you know how to shoot a photo then you can also change something fairly simple to something creative or abstract or otherwise more artistic.
I went on a photo shoot to Rio with him.
They move into a penthouse in Amsterdam and do a jeans photo shoot for Vero Moda.
Photo Tip: If you use a tripod and a very slow shutter speed to shoot a moving subject, you can get a dramatic contrast between sharp and blurred detail.
But then a marketing manager discovered that the best way to get some furniture back into a lorry, after a photo-shoot, was to take its legs off, and a new business model was born.
I have to be in a photo shoot on Wednesday.
"I was able to shoot this photo just as the sun was reflecting off of the water, making it appear to be liquid metal," Chiao said in a statement.
Now, following in her big sis' footsteps, the striking Charlotte has a glamorous photo shoot of her own.
Did you have a great recent event, wedding, or photo shoot of your new menu?
On our first movie, because the mutant freak show factor was threefold-young, black and twins-everyone wanted a photo shoot or a talk show appearance.
So despite what you read from me here or on Zen Family Habits I'm not perfect, I don't live in a "bring on a photo shoot" ready home.
A celebrity photo shoot in which the pretentious photographer wields a cheesy cell-phone camera?
Heidi hired her own photographer to do a photo shoot for the story.
There’s little or no need to shoot digital photos in black-and-white when color images can easily be converted to black-and-white in Photo shop or a similar image editor.
Once when a famous Spanish actress asked to do a photo shoot in one of his shops, Ortega said no and scolded the newly appointed executive who suggested it would be good for the firm.
Photo Tip: A great way to capture action at the peak of the burst is to shoot in bulb mode.
照片说明 :要捕捉到焰火绽放得最灿烂的那一刻,最好的方式将相机设为“夜景模式”(bulb mode)。
Heartthrob Daniel Wu took part in a very Chinese-inspired photo shoot recently, wearing his hair side-parted.
The 17-year-old Gossip Girl actress and her band posed for a photo shoot at the P3R Showroom in Los Angeles last week.
17岁的《绯闻女孩》演员和其乐队成员上周在L.A.(洛杉矶)的P 3 rShowroom为其摆造型拍照。
Gain had the interview while she was doing a shooting. She told the reporter i told Jokwon that I was going to take a photo shoot.
You can take photos and make a photo album, shoot a video, or share your adventures on social media.
Reality TV World: During the camel photo shoot, you told Jay you really want to be a high fashion model but that a lot of it just doesn't work for you.
Have you ever looked so hot at a photo shoot that the photographer couldn't concentrate?
Have any of you boys ever been to a photo shoot?
Two childhood friends who starred in a playful wedding photo shoot taken 19 years ago were married for real in 2015.
A 24-hour photo shoot was held to photograph and film the kittens for use on these plates.
A 24-hour photo shoot was held to photograph and film the kittens for use on these plates.