It has leaf primordia and a shoot apex.
The promeristem in the shoot apex consists of tunica, corpus and leaf primordium.
Wardlaw reproduced to the same scale photographs of the vegetative shoot apex of many primitive and advanced land plants.
Some resin containing cells are present in parenchym of cortex in shoot apex and xylem parenchym of stem in Pinus tabulaeformis .
The top of tumour-body formed shoot apex from bud primordium, and differentiated growing point, leaf primordium. young leaf and axillary bud primordium.
The plant chimera contains at least 2 different genotypes in the shoot apex of plants and plays an important role in the ornamental plant market in Europe.
Based on the experiment achievement of shoot apex grafting in economic trees in the last 20 years, the key field for the future research has been pointed out.
Using buds induction from shoot apex of Lilium Asiatic hybrids as the study on the induction of bulblets in tube and flower bulbs cultivation from bulblet in field.
The results presents that buds from the shoot apex to the 9th unfolding leaves were in the period of physiological differentiation which can be divided into flower induction and flower initiation.
The results presents that buds from the shoot apex to the 9th unfolding leaves were in the period of physiological differentiation which can be divided into flower induction and flower initiation.