And in the past week, following a short squeeze that led some investors to trim positions, the euro has found some stability.
If we see a major silver shortage and a real short squeeze, silver could literally rise to hundreds of dollars per ounce overnight.
In addition, the short squeeze occurring in gold will provide substantial technical price expansion, even in the absence of dollar devaluation.
Investors face the additional risk of being caught in a "short squeeze", when the price of a stock is pushed up and short-sellers have to cover their positions.
A squeeze on bank lending has prompted some businesses short of cash to stop paying wages to blue-collar workers.
But raising duty will be a short-term squeeze on household spending, with nothing like the hit of a VAT increase, for example, which affects all products.
Even where education spending has not been slashed, it may face a squeeze as short-term stimulus spending ends.
This created what amounted to a "short-squeeze" in Portuguese bonds just before auction, causing spreads to tighten dramatically and inflicting damage on market makers acting in good faith.
The increase will, however, be only short-lived since defence - like every other department - will feel the squeeze from the spending restraint deemed necessary to reduce the budget deficit.
The letter added that the trade was “exposed to a regulatory squeeze as occurred on short positions on financial stocks in 2008”.
The short fiber reinforced aluminum silicon alloy gradual composites are manufactured by squeeze casting, and the structures and the wear resistance of the composites are studied.
A alumina short fibre reinforced aluminum silicon alloy composite is manufactured by squeeze casting. The effect of the composite's interface on its wear resistance is studied.
A squeeze on bank lending has prompted some businesses short of cash to stop paying wages to blue-collar workers. Even the much-vaunted state sector is feeling the pinch.
A squeeze on bank lending has prompted some businesses short of cash to stop paying wages to blue-collar workers. Even the much-vaunted state sector is feeling the pinch.