Coffee may help with short term memory.
"The first thing that is lost in Alzheimer's is short term memory - the memory for what happened a few seconds or a minute ago," says Arendash.
A new study suggested that our short-term memory also may play a role in appetite.
You have to wait for the speaker to deliver quite a chunk of language before you then put it into the second language, which puts your short-term memory under intense stress.
Short-term memory is impaired, so are abilities to make decisions and to concentrate.
Repeating can help you turn short-term memory into long-term memory.
They discussed forgetting in short-term memory and retroactive inhibition.
Working memory is a more active version of short-term memory, which refers to the temporary storage of information.
Another core concept for usability is reducing the amount of information the user must keep in short-term memory.
The regions that lit up only for word-order sentences are known to be involved with short-term memory.
This experiment clearly shows how quickly information leaks out of short-term memory.
On a related subject, it's very common for the build process after you've typed make to take longer than your short-term memory can remind you to type make install when it finishes.
High levels of dopamine are also associated with norepinephrine, which heightens attention, short-term memory, hyperactivity, sleeplessness and goal-oriented behavior.
This information is held in the the working (aka short-term) memory.
That film provoked intense Internet debates about its puzzling story, which was told backwards from the point of view of a man with no short-term memory.
Most people with amnestic syndrome have problems with short-term memory — they can't retain new information.
Previous research has shown that fetuses can habituate to sounds and that the fetus has a short-term memory of 24-hours, but this study further examined how long these memories can last.
But in the second scan, the middle frontal gyrus and inferior frontal gyrus were also lit up - the parts associated with working (short-term) memory and decision-making.
We become mere signal-processing units, quickly shepherding disjointed bits of information into and then out of short-term memory.
What this magical number represents - 7 plus or minus 2 - is the number of items we can hold in our short-term memory.
This evidence supports the hypothesis that sleep, specifically the first 70-to-90-minute stage of sleep—the length of a common nap—clears out the hippocampus, the area for short-term memory.
有这样一个假说,睡眠,尤其是70到90分钟的小盹儿,能够清楚海马回(大脑中用来短时记忆的区域),沃克的这 项研究的结果正是这个假说的有力证据。
"Reaction time, short-term memory ability and processing speed decline with age, but complex reasoning skills improve," he said.
Short-term memory: fast forgetting.
They tested this idea in fruit flies by using genetic engineering to enhance or repress the activity of Rac in the parts of the flies' brains associated with short-term memory.
All network devices have an ARP table, a short-term memory of all the IP addresses and MAC addresses the device has already matched together.
All network devices have an ARP table, a short-term memory of all the IP addresses and MAC addresses the device has already matched together.