Shortly after you left, a man came into the office looking for you.
If done right and if you are prepared, you can be on your way to teaching shortly after your graduation.
I would never had realized that I would lose you shortly after that .
“What do you think about this one?” she called out one hot September afternoon shortly after Phoebe had started back to school.
As you'll see shortly, after the simulator is started, you can interact with it to boot a virtual machine (or place this interaction in a file to simplify the steps).
How many times does someone tell you something then shortly after they have to tell you the same thing?
Shortly after that, Julie says to me, "You know, I think we've cut the sass in our marriage by about 35 percent."
The infamous sign with the German phrase "Work Sets You Free" was found shortly after the theft cut into three pieces.
I recommend that you take your own lecture notes on the printed versions of the abridged notes (perhaps with extra paper) and then recopy the notes neatly at a time shortly after the lecture.
You made your United debut in the Carling Cup last year, then shortly after that scored that stunning goal on your league debut against Stoke.
At that time I can let you profit, so 2661 buying must be correct, no matter how shortly after, I will leave a good name.
My mother, who passed away shortly after my skydiving accident, always used to say "smile and the world smiles with you, cry and you cry alone".
我的母亲,在事故不久之后去世了,生前她常说:“你微笑,世界会陪着你微笑; 你哭,却是你一个人自己哭。”
Shortly after I met you, I know I was in love with you.
Shortly after I met you. I know I was in love with you.
Shortly after shaking hands with some of the quake survivors, Mr. Bush, you can see here, appeared to wipe his palm on Mr. Clinton's sleeve.
Shortly after takeoff first things first, there's soft drinks and coffee to quench your thirst, but if you want another kind of drink then just holler.
The video here was taken shortly after the new lifts were put into service. Thus you can see wooden boards covered with cardboard mounted on the stainless steel car walls, which were later removed.
You can review all of the case studies online shortly after the assignments are turned in.
It is recommended that you submit this expense statement shortly after the club has been admitted.
You can imagine saying to Hilario in the summer, shortly after he was brought in on a free transfer, 'Here's what's going to happen, Henrique.
You can imagine saying to Hilario in the summer, shortly after he was brought in on a free transfer, 'Here's what's going to happen, Henrique.