He found that nine-month-old infants could be taught through repeated show and tell to recognize the names of objects that were foreign to them.
Don't show and tell when you can show.
Although it is fun and exciting, this is not show and tell.
She would come the day before the show and tell me what she thought.
The next thing we knew, it was show and tell. "Nice guitar! " I demonstrated a few chords.
Or they make it look like we put out false information when the show and tell does not happen.
Love is when we fight till the very last minute, just to show and tell someone how much we love them.
There are quite a few readers of AH that fully expected this big show and tell, and if it was on MY orders, it would have been put out thru Candace.
Way we refer to it in the company, is that we've designed these robots to do work, "Taub says." Although it is fun and exciting, this is not show and tell.
Get the FizzBuzz out of the way, and then have the interviewee show and tell their code, and explain their design decisions and what they would do differently now.
And finally, they can draw this knowledge and experience together to show and tell employers why they are a good fit for the organization, and gain a career of their choice.
Show me, and I'll tell you by the way smoke curls whether they are on the war-path.
She can bring her puppy to school for show-and-tell.
In Japan, once when I was in the studio audience of a TV cooking show, I was asked to go up on the stage and taste the beef dish that was being prepared, and tell what I thought.
In Japan, once when I was in the studio audience of a TV cooking show, I was asked to go up on this stage and taste the beef dish that was being prepared,and tell what I thought.
Show your feelings to them and tell them what you are thinking about.
"What are the Three Evils? Tell me and I'll beat them!" Zhou Chu waved his arms to show his strength.
Show me your quotation marks And I’ll tell you which.
But studies of similar intervention in early childhood in America show it works best when programmes clearly tell parents what to do and why.
I'll show her to him in the morning and tell him everything.
Use the filmaker (and novelist) principle of SHOW-don't-TELL.
I tell them what we've done that works, show them the video my friends and I made, and try to get them worked up.
Better yet, follow the old adage, "Show, don't tell," and demonstrate these admirable attributes, each in turn, so she'll be sure to take notice.
And he can't tell her what they'll do to him, if he's not back by dawn; never show weakness.
He'd show us magic tricks and tell us strange but true tales of gypsy powers.
We found that having simple show-and-tell demonstrations was the most effective and easily managed approach.
We found that having simple show-and-tell demonstrations was the most effective and easily managed approach.