This paper introduces in detail the technique of partial replacement and repair to the glide in big Angle of the crank shaft at shrink on fit by examples.
Biologists have long recognized that mammals larger than rabbits tend to shrink on small islands, presumably as an adaptive response to the limited food supply.
Your massage therapist knows that your back muscles are tighter than the strings on a ukulele; your shrink knows that half your tension comes from stress.
This could be literally on the wrapper of a work — for example, shrink wrapping around an historical book edition, or in the packaging of a shipped painting.
If this is undesirable, then run shrink before running the defragmenter on a partition.
Imagine an elastic band stretched over the surface of an apple. The band can slowly shrink, moving as though it is slipping from the surface, until it becomes just a dot on the apple's skin.
US policymakers will need to find ways to increase domestic savings, shrink the federal deficit, reduce the heavy reliance of American consumers on credit and curb oil imports.
With LVM, admins can expand and shrink filesystems on running servers and take advantage of other amazing capabilities, such as filesystem snapshots.
It plans to impose such strict capital standards on its biggest Banks that their investment-banking arms will be forced to shrink or leave the country.
At the same time, Chinese companies have rushed to take on large amounts of dollar-denominated debt in the belief that currency moves will shrink their liabilities.
It is hard for firms to know what the "right" prices are in two-sided markets. Cut charges on one side and it will raise them on the other, chasing customers away and making the business shrink.
Lay fish on the steaming tray till water is boiling, it will shrink the fish by immediate steam and maintain its flavor inside.
The glacier study predicts that mountain glaciers and icecaps will shrink by 15-27 percent in volume terms on average by 2100.
冰川研究预言,到2100年山地冰川和冰帽的体积将缩小15 - 27%。
Indeed, many economists expect Japan's economy to shrink again in the three months to September, which on the rule of thumb of two consecutive quarters of decline, would imply a recession.
I reject the belief that we should either shrink from the challenge of globalization, or fall back on the same tired and failed approaches of the last eight years.
Dynamic clusters grow and shrink depending on the workload demand.
On the other hand, if it gives you pleasure to watch your debt shrink and motivates you to keep at it, then make it manual.
You can still grow and shrink your application servers on a schedule.
She does not shrink from hinting at the human frailties of her heroes. Her real heroine is Abby, who focused on buying the work of younger and less well-known artists.
One thing, however, is already clear: toy makers' profit margins are likely to shrink and retail toy prices are likely to rise as manufacturers spend more on safety and quality checks.
Yields on Treasuries have not risen and spreads on riskier dollar assets continue to shrink.
Until recently, scientists have focused their attention on the amyloid plaques and finding ways to shrink them to relieve the burden on the brain.
And why didn't it shrink to become a dwarf, as so many of the other dinosaurs on islands did?
That number is unlikely to shrink very rapidly, given the pressure on prices from a large "shadow" inventory of housing that is yet to hit the market (see chart) and the glacial pace of foreclosures.
Dynamic filesystem size — the filesystem size can shrink or grow depending on the number of files or directories that are copied or created or deleted.
In nature, a bubble's lifetime depends on the level of dissolved organic matter and nanoparticles, without which small bubbles rapidly shrink and disappear.
In nature, a bubble's lifetime depends on the level of dissolved organic matter and nanoparticles, without which small bubbles rapidly shrink and disappear.