It is discussed that adiabatic material, as well as ratio of height and width effected solidification, shrinkage cavity and shrinkage porosity.
Large thick-section ductile Iron housing easily produces casting defects such as shrinkage cavity, shrinkage porosity, graphite floating and spheroidizing decay.
Batch production shows there are no shrinkage cavity and porosity in casting, and no blowholes and sand inclusions on the top surface. The yield of the casting is 81%.
The main task of this paper is to develop prediction & analysis system of shrinkage cavity and porosity defect in a casting for foundry engineering application.
The influence of chemical composition, inoculation process, temperature of molten iron and pouring system on the formation of shrinkage cavity and porosity was described.
The shrinkage cavity, depression, shrinkage porosity, scab and swell defects often took place with the heavy plate castings produced by adopting traditional foundry method.
It is liable to produce various casting defects, such as coarse grain, shrinkage cavity, shrinkage porosity, hot tearing, microstructure segregation and solute segregation.
Three cylindrical steel castings with different diameters were cast to study the shapes of shrinkage cavity and porosity, and the calculated results match the experiments quite well.
Three cylindrical steel castings with different diameters were cast to study the shapes of shrinkage cavity and porosity, and the calculated results match the experiments quite well.