We stand side by side with you in this dispute.
Sheng Road, looking forward to all the staff work side by side with you, create brilliant!
I want to walk side by side with you, in the same position, see the same scenery, until at the end of the world.
Now, 44 years later, I am privileged to stand side by side with you, ready to work hand in hand on a mission that we all share.
If you choose the first two options, use the CTRL with the mouse to get a thumbnail window for each option to appear side by side.
When we say "work together," we don't necessarily mean work side by side when you develop the tests (although there wouldn't be anything wrong with doing that).
Below, Geekosystem has put 15 video game companies' old-school logos side-by-side with their modern counterparts. Which do you like better?
For many women, thoughts of intimacy conjure up images of talking heart-to-heart... walking side-by-side (not with you walking in front of her)... holding hands.
This opens the Repository Synchronizing perspective (with your permission, of course) and shows you a side-by-side comparison of your local file and the file in the Repository as shown in Figure 12.
It's better to use Eclipse's Team Synchronizing perspective, which will present you with changed files side-by-side, to allow you to review and accept or reject changes in either file. To do this.
"What I love is that you're literally facing your problem or situation together when you walk side by side with someone," she said.
It is better to use Eclipse's Team Synchronizing perspective, which presents you with changed files side-by-side, to allow you to review and accept or reject changes in either file. To do this.
I will walk with you side by side for only one condition: hide your wings every time we walk together because the whole world might know that you're my angel!
Will you be side by side with me in provence?
You work and study side by side with some of the world's most renowned scholars.
We aspire to establish sincere friendship with you, side by side with the knowledge and wisdom, spirit and civilization Ocean Lane roam ahead!
I firmly believe that you lead best when you walk side-by-side with your colleagues. When you don't just talk but you also listen.
We aspire to establish sincere friendship with you side by side with the knowledge and wisdom spirit and civilization ocean lane roam ahead!
You can use it side-by-side with other versions of IE.
I will work with you side by side.
The 32 Battalion. That's right. You know, contrary to what you might think about us. we fought with the blacks, huh? Yeah. Side by side.
Expensive bike, don't lock outside, please carry with you side by side! lost to compensate bike deposit.
We look forward to working with you side by side, to be a long-term partner whom you can trust.
You can also easily work with multiple versions of a binding side-by-side by giving each version a different name.
You realize that squeezing as many cars into the lot as possible leads to right-angle parking with the cars aligned side by side.
You realize that squeezing as many cars into the lot as possible leads to right-angle parking with the cars aligned side by side.