An unreasonable person talks senselessly, and a weak ox ploughs sidewise.
Thecalculations confirm that, in general, the undesirable effects due to sidewise heatconduction are small.
Their two houses face the street frontally, wide-openly, in apt contrast to the sidewise privacy of George's lair.
If one moved, the other moved-but only sidewise, in a circle; they kept face to face and eye to eye all the time.
The clipper is moved in a sidewise manner around the head to create each zone with the shorter side being toward the bottom of the hair in all.
This essay makes a sidewise approach to the personality self-improvement trend of the main male character by analyzing the progress of his personality transformation.
Possibly he also knew that he dresses up very much is attractive is sitting happily in that raises hand to cheer, looked at it red big mouth to twist the mouth sidewise cannot be closing up.
Possibly he also knew that he dresses up very much is attractive is sitting happily in that raises hand to cheer, looked at it red big mouth to twist the mouth sidewise cannot be closing up.